This happens to 53% of men over 55

I admit it.

I'm a homebody.

My wife Ellen is the opposite.

She retired three years ago and has a full schedule.

Chorus practice, two soccer leagues, two pickleball groups, three hiking groups and of course shopping fills her days.

I'm okay with puttering around the house and hanging out on our deck reading a book or napping.

I enjoy working a few hours a day because I enjoy my clients.

My problem is I need a good reason to leave the house.

If I go to the store to buy a new shirt, I find a shirt and head home.

Ellen will spend three hours perusing TJ MaXX for deals.

Some weeks my car never leaves the driveway.

But being an introverted homebody can have it's drawbacks.

The longer I isolate at home, the less I want to socialize with others.

The less I do, the less I want to do.

Don't get me wrong.

I enjoy going out with friends and having a good time.

Ellen and I are more active than most of our friends.

We travel a lot, ski in the winter, hike year round, go to plays and generally stay busier than most couples.

But I don't go out just to go out.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 53% of men over 60 admitted they are lonely.

After men retire, we lose our purpose and confidence which can lead to social isolation.

Social isolation can lead to major health problems.

While Ellen is running around with friends all day, I get occasionally get lonely because I don't have a core group of besties.

My three best friends passed away a few years ago so my "go to" buddies are gone.

Everyone says I need to make new friends but it's hard for men over 60 to find new friends.

Last week I decided I'm going to get out of the house every day even if it's just a 30 minute walk.

We're blessed to live in a beautiful area with hundreds of hiking trails out our back door.

Here's a picture of me hiking near our home.

I'm going to start attending some local MeetUps to meet people.

I'm going to play golf once a week and I'm looking for a group of men to play pickleball.

I don't want to be one of those grumpy old men who complain about everything so I'm taking action.

How do you stay active as you get older?


P.S. If you want to connect with men who want to do more than golf and drink beer in retirement, join the
Epic Encore Community

Ted Prodromou

Join 60,000+ seasoned professionals who are done with the corporate world. Epic Encore is an almost daily newsletter with inspirational stories from leading experts. Your Epic Encore is about turning your lifetime experiences into the cornerstone of the rest of your life. It represents your audacious leap into entrepreneurship, fueled by the wisdom and tenacity you've garnered in your successful career. This isn't about playing catch-up in business and building a 7-figure business. It's about forging a unique path, using your distinct perspective, seasoned judgment, and invaluable insights that can only come from years of life experience.

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