After building a successful career for 20+ years, the path forward suddenly disappeared. What now? Who would hire someone "my age"? When did my expertise become obsolete? Ted |
Join 60,000+ seasoned professionals who are done with the corporate world. Epic Encore is an almost daily newsletter with inspirational stories from leading experts. Your Epic Encore is about turning your lifetime experiences into the cornerstone of the rest of your life. It represents your audacious leap into entrepreneurship, fueled by the wisdom and tenacity you've garnered in your successful career. This isn't about playing catch-up in business and building a 7-figure business. It's about forging a unique path, using your distinct perspective, seasoned judgment, and invaluable insights that can only come from years of life experience.
For over 20 years I ran a web marketing agency. I started building HTML websites, doing Google ads and search engine optimization for coaches, consultants and small businesses. For the past 15 years my focus was on LinkedIn marketing after writing three editions of Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business. My company was me and one part-time virtual assistant which worked fine for decades. The problem was my business wasn't sellable because I branded my business as Ted Prodromou, America's...
I've been a client and good friend of Perry Marshall since I met him 20 years ago at a marketing conference. He was one of my first marketing mentors, and his coaching and courses have been invaluable in helping me grow my businesses. When Perry speaks, I listen. He has an uncanny sixth sense when it comes to predicting trends. In 2008, he warned us about putting all of your marketing eggs in one basket as Google dominated the search market. "Diversify your traffic" Perry preached. The...
I know YouTube is a game changer, but for some reason, I haven't fully embraced it. When I wrote Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business and Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business, I used YouTube to sell thousands of books by sharing "how to" videos. After the book launches ended, I stopped doing videos, leaving a lot of money on the table. Why did I stop? Building a successful YouTube channel takes time, effort, and the right strategies. When the buzz of my book launches faded, I didn't have...